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As the business editor for the yearbook, I spend a good portion of time looking at how we can make money through marketing. These are some of our accomplishments this year and how we have reached them. 


This is how we sell..

Yearbook Sales

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This year my staff and I have worked incredibly hard to push sales for our book both online and in our school. Luckily this year for the first time in Rock Hill High school history we have made our goal before our January deadline. We also have sold more books this year than any previous year and the best part is we are still selling! 

Yearbook  Marketing


After brainstorming how to get more people that are in the book to actually buy their book I came up with this idea. Our biggest marketing tool besides social media this year has been these postcards. We give them to every single person that gets interviewed both in person and digitally and it has proven to show a spike in our sales. The connection was that when a student is interviewed and knows that they are in the book they are more willing to purchase so after they get that interview they buy their book. 

The other strategy that we use for marketing is consistent branding. When posting anything yearbook related for example we make sure that all content matches the theme for this year's book. Here are some examples of how matched branding this year. We also make sure that anytime we post a photo gallery that all images are watermarked with the RH Media logo. 

Note: Hover over the image and click the arrows to view other images in the slide deck

Radio Audience Engagement

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I manage all of our analytics on the station and send reports to our district throughout the year. This year we have seen huge growth in our listenership we went from having basically a fan base of zero to having at least 16 listeners on average. I also review all requests and comments made through email about the station and resolve those issues as soon as possible so that we are known for having good business management and that we try and accommodate all peoples needs or wishes. 

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