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As a photographer and yearbook editor good design is essential to my life. I have had the opportunity to grow my skills immensely and am always craving to learn even more ways I can do things creatively. 

These are some of which I am greatly proud of...

Seen & Heard

2022 Blue Hawk Yearbook 

Our color palette was picked by first deciding that we wanted to have multiple versions of blue considering that Rock Hill's color is blue. Then grey to give us a basic and finally we added green and pink to give us some opposition to the rest of our colors. Then we applied it by splitting it into our different sections and used that color as the dominant color throughout that whole section. 

Community Section

Pride Section

Diversity Section

Lifestyle Section

Refrence Section

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Our dust jacket and cover were based on the "Humans of New York" stories book by Brandon Stanton. We liked the concept of this because it allowed us to play out both of the words in our theme with the cover of our book. Allowing our students to be heard on the dust jacket and then seen on the actual cover of the book. 

Seen & Heard was the theme of our 2022 Blue Hawk yearbook. After countless hours and brainstorming sessions focusing on what the 2022 year was going to look like we came to the decision that Rock Hill is all about making its students have a place to be themselves, a place where they can be seen and heard, and loved.


One of my favorite things about being on the yearbook staff is that I get combine storytelling, photography, and writing together to document an event or group. These are all spreads that I got just that opportunity on and I loved learning about the different situations and interviewing the different people involved to make sure I got to every person's perspective. 

Contest Submission

TAJE Fall Fiesta contest entry 2021

In the fall of 2021, I entered and competed in the beginning yearbook design contest prior to Fall Fiesta. In this contest, I was given a set of materials to use and asked to create a double-page spread that represented the theme I was given, (it's all in the details) and went along with the color palette. The story I was tasked with creating was one about the different activities that happen in the parking lot. Luckily I placed, and I was given the honor of excellence in the Beginning Yearbook Category. 


It's Always Something

2023 Blue Hawk Yearbook 

We picked the color palette we did for a couple of reasons. First off we knew that this year would be more challenging, so we wanted to convey that with big bold colors. We also wanted to avoid the tradition that our cover is blue. The past two Blue Hawk Yearbooks' have been blue and we wanted to get away from that so that in the future the staff can focus more on the year's vibe and less on our actual school colors. Lastly, we liked the idea of a gradient because this year's theme was so chaotic and we felt like a gradient offered that feeling. 

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It's Always Something was the title of our 2023 version of the Blue Hawk Yearbook. This year was a big year for our school; we were making many changes and advances in growth and other areas. That said, we wanted that to be represented with big bold colors and a dominant font. We also felt like things were constantly changing and so we chose a secondary font that was handwritten because everything is never perfect and constantly changing 


Modules that I designed. One of my favorite things that I got to do this year is creating some of the base modules that were used in the yearbook. Due to the fact that I usually handle copy for the book its rarer that I get to handle design. I loved being able to use my design skills on this though and truly created some templates that I am very proud of.  

Note: Hover over the image and click the arrows to view other images in the slide deck

When I design almost anything in the early stages I do multiple versions of it so that we can pick what works best later on. These are some examples that I made of different versions of Modules I created. 

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The folio is something that was very debated among our staff. For the last two years we have designed folios that are more horizontal than vertical and so this year we wanted to be different. The challenge was however that now we have to design around this element and it became increasingly more difficult. We designed it with our gradient but wanted more voice so we added a three word quote that connects to the spread 


Note: Hover over the image and click the arrows to view other images in the slide deck

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