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I believe that it is important to tell every single person's story no matter their race, gender, sexuality, etc... In my various programs I have helped to build systems to make sure that we are representative of all types of people. 


This is how I tell everyone's story...


Heritage Months 

One of my favorite ideas that I came up with when creating our station is our heritage months. I have always loved celebrating different people's histories and honoring the trials and tribulations that they have gone through. We specialize our clocks and rules during certain months to play artists specifically in certain genres. So for example during February we play predominantly African American Artists to represent Black History Month. We celebrate Black History Month, Women's History Month, Hispanic Heritage Month, and Asian Pacific Islander month. 


We collaborate with members of each of the above month's associations and clubs and have their members help us with the month so that we make sure we accurately portray and represent them! 

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Diversity checks
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On the yearbook staff in order to make sure that we are portraying everyone and not just one group, race, identity, etc... I do what is called diversity checks. I count the number of people on every spread, I count how many of each gender are on every spread, and I count how many of each race are on every spread. If the numbers come back and aren't even then my staffers are required to go back and find better photos or story opportunities. It's very important to me that we tell everyone's story and not just those of the people who are in the spotlight and this is one way that I help do that. 

Staff Growth

Diversity on my radio staff in the last two years
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